
Home Alone: The Mom Edition

HighFive     My thirteen year old reminded me that tonight she was sleeping over at a friend’s house.  Then I remembered that my son had to work.  I started walking out of the room pretending to cry, “I’ll be all by myself tonight….. Sniff sniff”  But when I was out of sight, “YES!” I high five myself!




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8 Things You Need To Know When You End Up Getting That C-Section You Did Not Plan

5972738707_e5bc36a422     For weeks we journeyed faithfully to the hospital for natural birth classes.  I would lean back onto my pillow being held securely by the new father-to-be and practice hyperventilating breathing exercises for when the great day arrived and I find out the true reason we celebrated Labor Day.

Continue reading “8 Things You Need To Know When You End Up Getting That C-Section You Did Not Plan”


Surgery Date

 6300225700_e4f86d19e1    We finally got a surgery date for my dad.  It will be July 28th.  My uncle has offered to drive my parents to the hospital.  I am hoping to still get there and get a chance to hear what the doctor has to say.
It’s been a little busy here and going to get a little busier.  I just recently got a job at a local market and my husband and I may get a cleaning job as well to tag team on.

 3222270     This summer seems to be whizzing by.937066_orig  I can not believe July is halfway over!  I am not sure if you seen this but we have three children: Nicole is 20, Tyler almost 16 and Lexi almost 12.  Humor has been something we used to get us through the hard places in life.  Tyler often reminds me of my dad.  He has the tall, slender build and the same insanely dry sense of humor. Last evening he was pretending to prove he was a superhero by flying, stood on the corner of the steps, “To infinity, and beyond!”  Bang!! And he hits his head on the ceiling.  He may have been attempting to be Captain America but I think he more represents the famous superhero, George of the Jungle


How A Mom Does (Not) Get Sleep

2726886     We come home from a small group gathering.  My sinuses have been bothering me a lot lately so I head up the stairway for a dark, quiet corner of the house.  It ain’t long before the chocolate lab comes bouncing into the room…..and onto the bed…… flopping himself upon me to garnish some attention…..then the hubby comes dancing into the room, sees the dog, and says, “Who invited you?”  I thought to myself, “The same person who invited you.” Shortly the husband leaves and 14 year old son comes into the room with dog.  He sees the compress on my eyes and runs to get himself and the dog a compress so they can lie on the bed and make fun of me.  They both disappear down the steps and are replaced by the 10 year old daughter who proceeds to ply me with 101 questions……. Finally left alone, I remove the, now cold, compress on my eyes and fall asleep. An hour or so later I hear the dog come bouncing back despite being scolded by the 10 year old daughter. He decided enough is enough. Mom must be awake.