

5739016590_ab85ee8fe4     Last Sunday my son and I had the privilege of attending a Spanish Assembly Of God.  My son had to do monthly projects for Spanish class and had wanted to attend a Spanish church.  I speak and understand very little Spanish.  In fact the Spanish I did learn was off of children’s shows such as Sesame Street, Maya and Miguel, Dora and the like.  My son, Tyler, age sixteen, was quick to point out the patheticness (if that is even a word! LOL!) of the whole situation.  He is probably right, but I won’t let him know that.  In fact, when I was in school, I learned German.  Unfortunately it was not the same dialect they teach today but it did help me with my Pennsylvania Dutch when I became a nursing assistant as well as it helped me understand some of the conversations the local Amish would use.  Who doesn’t want a leg-up on that?!  LOL! Continue reading “QUE DIOS TE BENDIGA”